The Past
Lately I have been so busy getting my hunna bunna's new venture off the ground that all work on Carolina Studios halted. You will learn all about the new venture soon but for now back to Carolina Studios.
On the off hours of my day, which is usually in the wee hours of the early morning, when I'm supposed to meditate for an hour, I have been jumping out of the Lotus position a little early and organizing my slide files from the last 22 years. And this is what I have discovered!.
Space Travelers 1985.
Bird of Paradise. 1984
I should have called it bird of scraps because often that is how I would decide on what to create next. Determined by the material available to me.
On the off hours of my day, which is usually in the wee hours of the early morning, when I'm supposed to meditate for an hour, I have been jumping out of the Lotus position a little early and organizing my slide files from the last 22 years. And this is what I have discovered!.
I remember those earrings.They were glass grapes. Look at those big eyes. I look like a Bambi caught in some headlights.
I worked as an senior designer for a Lotus software company. I would take foam core scraps from my office and paint at night in my North End studio apt. I had no illusions that I would ever do this for a living. It was something that I had to do because it was fun and it relaxed me. I used old house paints to paint them. Oil! I believe it was Pittsburgh Paints. I just loved the smell and watching 1950''s and 60's movies till very late at night.
The King of Brussels 1986.
When I was a kid, my Dad would me tease about brussels sprouts. I absolutely loathed them. I would pack them, one by one, to one side of my mouth, but not swallow. My hope was that my parents would leave the table and I could spit them out in my napkin.
Those suppers around the table were eons of bitterness hanging onto one side of my mouth. I named the piece King of Brussels, because of the distaste the king shows in his expression. I wonder if that is what I looked like and if I ever fooled them with my specious attempts to ditch them?
Rock and Rollers 1985

This was created after I went off to mefah (medford) MA to see the Stray Cats with my friend Kathy. She could not get enough of their music and would dance all night to the beat of the Cats. Seeing them again made me wonder about Kathy and all the laughs and dance steps we shared.

Space Travelers 1985.
I have no recollection of it's inspiration. What I do remember is I sold them to an Art Director for $ 125.00 in 1988 six months after leaving my employment as a 9 - to forever designer/art director. He was passing through Portsmouth NH and decided to visit the Hoyt House gallery. He worked from Ogilvy and Mather. Life is funny, the irony of selling a piece to someone in my old profession. Especially to someone who worked at one of the places I had wanted to work for when I got out of school in 82.
Bird of Paradise. 1984

People of the 80's 1986
I don't know why but it seems that is when everyone started to really experiment with their personal appearances. Before then it was boys with long hair and girls wearing low rise jeans, which were hip huggers in my day.
Ty and Dina 1987 An old boyfriend and his dog Dina. A sweet dog. I had to break up with him, I regretted having to break up with her.
Looking back at these early creations I realized how creatively free they are. I clearly recognize the courage it took and takes to put yourself out for the public. Recently, someone who just finished writing her first screenplay said " well it is out there, being judged, and I feel so naked!" I smiled and thought naked is a state of mind where there is no place to find cover. NO camouflage, NO masks to conceal behind. All your glory is fully lit and beaming. It must be addressed with kindness and respect by all, but principally by yourself. It is an admirable thing to do. I think it is time to get my birthday suit on and go to work.

Looking back at these early creations I realized how creatively free they are. I clearly recognize the courage it took and takes to put yourself out for the public. Recently, someone who just finished writing her first screenplay said " well it is out there, being judged, and I feel so naked!" I smiled and thought naked is a state of mind where there is no place to find cover. NO camouflage, NO masks to conceal behind. All your glory is fully lit and beaming. It must be addressed with kindness and respect by all, but principally by yourself. It is an admirable thing to do. I think it is time to get my birthday suit on and go to work.
love the work. So talented!