And the winner is.....Judy Perry

In spite of all the obstacles she has endured to get well she has kept her humor, her loving nature and her indomitable spirit intact. I don't know if I could do the same!
I began this contest/blog looking for something that would make me aware of the true meaning of Christmas. The paragraphs written by Marianne Williamson in my last entry and the belief that Christmas is a time of transformation, a rebirth of sorts hit home best by Judy's letter of thanks. Of all the wonderful entries I received I really felt that Judy personified this in a myriad of different ways.
2009 was divine and I for one, am glad it was not your time!
My letter of thanks….
At the end of each year, as I reflect on things gone by and look to the future, I come up with a positive prayer/mantra that I can focus on for the next year. In 2008 my prayer/mantra was “’08 will be GREAT!”
I had settled into a new job, had purchased a fixer-upper I could afford, I was continuing my spiritual quest and was hopeful. At the end of ’08, looking toward 2009, my prayer/mantra was “2009 was going to be Divine”.
I had plans for the transformation of my little house, plans to begin teaching art again to Special Needs individuals, I was hopeful.
Well as most of you know, on January 12, 2009 I was hit head-on by a drunk driver setting my life into a spiral I could never have predicted and changing my plans for sure. I have struggled this year to hold onto my prayer/mantra “09 will be Divine” and have lost sight of it for months at a time.
But two weeks ago, while meditating/praying, I was struck by a revelation…”09 HAD BEEN DIVINE”.
When I consider that I lived through that horrific crash at all is Divine.
The fact that I was paralyzed from the neck down at the crash site and after screaming to God for help (I mean literally screaming out loud, asking him to help me) after several hours I gained movement in my arms and legs….Divine.
The fact that I lived through the surgery, when the Doctors told me there was no certainty I would………..was Divine.
That I have found strength, support, love and laughter from friends and strangers (who have become new friends) is DIVINE.
That I learned that I am not alone, as I had always thought, is DIVINE!
My situation is not what I had planned or expected though what it is, is hopeful and grateful. I have found humility; grace and acceptance through this adventure and each of you have helped me do that.
I will continue to do my part to move forward and my prayer/mantra for 2010 is “2010 will be Zen”.
I wish you all a happy, healthy and spiritual 2010, “2010 WILL BE ZEN”.
You lift me up,
Judy Perry
love it!