Chicken Little is eating lunch one day, and believes the sky is falling down because an acorn falls on her head. She decides to tell the King. On her journey she meets other animals Henny Penny, Cocky Lockey and GooseyLoosey, who join her in her quest to warn the king. Finally, they come across Foxy Loxy, who offers the chicken and her friends his help. Foxy Loxy eats the chicken's friends, but the last one, Cocky Lockey, survives long enough to warn Chicken Little and she escapes. After that day, Chicken Little always carries an umbrella with her when she walks in the woods. The umbrella is a present from the king.The moral of thestory is not to be a "Chicken", but to have courage and get an umbrella!
Pick a little, talk a little, Pick a little, talk a little
Pick pick pick,talk a lot, talk little more!
I walk a big circle around the town I live in. Sometimes I go by myself!Other times I take a friend or two with me. When we go together we walk and talk, a lot! If the conversation gets serious I have noticed the pace is challenging. If the chatting is light and jovial I confess it's a summer breeze. We try to help each other understand things that happen to one another. With 3 of us there is 120 years of experiences to draw upon. The majority of mornings the exchange glides over topics like skis on snow. The past, future and the present all on the go..Our woes, our wows, our Joe's, our lows. Dates, dreams, work and dough. Sisters, brothers, kids and toes. Politics, Lyme tics, facial ticks and TV shows. We help each other go with the flow.
We provide each other hope and a safe opening to more positive awareness. We give each other permission to bitch, to be afraid, to not judge or correct things. With that permission it's easier to let go. Let go of the negativity and the fear it engenders. It helps bring on forgiveness for the offenses we feel we have suffered. You can't forgive if you don't fully realize the injustice. Sometimes it takes many walks, but in the end we loosen our hold, with a chuckle, a smile. and a hug we go. Thoughts shape your awareness. It is important to be conscious of them. You can not change your thoughts if you don't observe them. Although, I must admit it is hard to recognize their appearances as negative. Most are born from the womb of FEAR.. Dining at the table of your life in tears, with fork and knife pounding the table year after year. Yelling for more! How do you feed it? Do you continue with denial and doubt? THOSE MY FRIENDS ARE FEAR'S COUSINS!. I am reminded that fear is an illusion. It lives not in the present but resides in the past and future. Two places I can't get to from here. So the idea is to stay in the present. As we walk we breathe, that keeps you present. Breathing is a present activity. It takes courage, strength, love and kindness to stay present. Some one once said to me " This moment is a gift, that's why they call it the present." If you slow down and take a breath you can usually be grateful for something. The more gratitude the less fear. The less fear the more love. We can't be Chicken Little's and run at the first sign of the sky falling. Get an umbrella, mine are my friends, my sisters, and my Stanton.
July 19th I will be selling the Chicken Little's you see here and more, down town at the Chester farm festival. They will be available for purchase for 50% off price. That means you can finally own a Chicken Little for $50.00. The Chicken Little's are named and have hatch dates and a hatch place. They carry insight on themselves and are all signed by yours truly. Own one, two, or ten. There fun! You'll find me with the photo chick, Caryn B. Davis, on her front stoop selling our wares. Please come by and visit. Take a chick or two home.
One last thought...
Chicks talk! That is what we do and sometimes we pick a little then talk a little more.
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